Community Planning - Rural Princeton Bylaw Review
Electoral Area 'H' OCP & Zoning Bylaws - Adopted
At its meeting of April 18, 2013, the Regional District Board adopted the Electoral Area 'H' Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 2497, 2012, and Zoning Bylaw No. 2498, 2012. Copies of the bylaws can be found under the Regional Bylaws page on this site.
Draft OCP & Zoning Bylaws - 3rd reading
At its meeting of November 15, 2012, the Regional District Board considered the minutes of the Public Hearing held on October 13, 2012, and approved third reading of the Draft Electoral Area 'H' Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 2497, 2012 and Zoning Bylaw No. 2498, 2012.
Draft OCP & Zoning Bylaws - Public Hearing
In accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Act, a Public Hearing to consider the Electoral Area ‘H’ Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 2497 and Similkameen Valley Zoning Bylaw No. 2498 was held on October 13, 2012 at the following locations:
Location: | Chain Lakes | Princeton | Eastgate |
Address: | 3950 Princeton-Summerland Road (Hayes Creek Firehall) | 148 Old Hedley Drive (Riverside Centre) | 140 Airstrip Road (Eastgate Firehall) |
Date: | October 13, 2012 | October 13, 2012 | October 13, 2012 |
Time: | 1:00 pm | 4:00 pm | 7:00 pm |
Draft OCP & Zoning Bylaws - 1st & 2nd reading
At its meeting of September 6, 2012, the Regional District Board approved first and second reading of the Draft Electoral Area 'H' Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 2497, 2012 and Zoning Bylaw No. 2498, 2012.
Public Open Houses - September, 2011
A series of Open Houses were held in September 2011 in order to provide members of the public with an opportunity to learn more and provide feedback on the proposed bylaws. Meetings were held at Princeton on September 13, 2011 (at the Riverside Centre) and at Tulameen on September 14, 2011 (at the Community Centre).
Community Consultation Opportunity - August / September 2011
A draft of the Official Community Plan & Zoning Bylaws was circulated for community input in August of 2011.
A Newsletter highlighting some of the new aspects of the Draft Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaws was also mailed to all registered property owners in Electoral Area 'H' in August of 2011. A copy of this Newsletter may also be viewed at the following link:
Electoral Area 'H' Official Community Plan Newsletter - August 2011
OCP Review Committee - April 2010
An Official Community Plan (OCP) Review Committee comprising 12 members was appointed by the Regional District Board at its meeting of April 15, 2012.
At the completion of the OCP and Zoning Bylaw Review, the Committee was comprised of the following members: Linda Allison; Susan Dixon; Tim Hall; Ole Juul; Treena MacLeod; Kim Maynard; Chris Pemberton; Marg Reichert; William Sawchuk; and Charles Weber. The Committee met 15 times to review the Plan between April of 2010 and May of 2012.
Public Open Houses - November 2009
A series of Open Houses were held in November of 2009 in order to provide a progress update on the OCP. Meetings were held at Eastgate on November 21 (at the Fire Hall), Princeton on November 21 (at the Riverside Centre), Five Mile Valley on November 22 (at the Hayes Creek Fire Hall), and at Tulameen on November 22 (at the Community Centre).
A copy of the presentation related to the OCP Review process and the results of the Survey can be downloaded here:
Official Community Plan Review Presentation
An update on the Sensitive Ecosystem Inventory (SEI) Mapping being undertaken in Eastgate, Otter Lake and the Five Mile Valley areas being undertaken at that time was also provided. A copy of SEI Mapping Presentation can be downloaded here:
Sensitive Ecosystem Inventory (SEI) Mapping Presentation
Melanie Bagley, Community Liason / Project Manager for the Sustainable Similkameen Project also presented an update.

Resident Survey Results - 2009
Board Report - Resident Survey Results (file size: 149 KB)
Schedule A - Initial Survey Results (file size: 1.32 MB)
Schedule B - Round 1 Survey Results (file size: 443 KB)
Schedule C - Round 2 & 3 Survey Results (file size: 52 KB)
Schedule C-1: Land Use Responses (file size: 1.65 MB)
Schedule C-2: Economic Development Responses (file size: 2.1 MB)
Schedule C-3: Recreation Responses (file size: 971 KB)
Schedule C-4: Service and Infrastructure Responses (file size: 2.64 MB)
Schedule C-5: Environmental Responses (file size: 1.35 MB)
Schedule C-6: Local Government Responses (file size: 789 KB)
Schedule C-7: Survey Feedback Responses (file size: 672 KB)