Apex Mountain Zone Review
As part of on-going work related to the preparation of a single Okanagan Valley Electoral Area Zoning Bylaw, the Regional District is currently in process of reviewing the residential zones at Apex Mountain.
Under the Electoral Area “I” Zoning Bylaw No. 2457, 2008, the zones that generally apply to properties at Apex Mountain have been classified as residential and comprise the Residential Apex Alpine (RS4), Residential Multiple Unit Three (RM3) and Mixed Use Apex Alpine (RMU) Zones.
Despite being classed as a residential zone, the RMU Zone is a mixed-use zone that allows for a wide range of commercial and is similar to the Okanagan Falls Town Centre Zone and the Naramata Village Centre Zone.
For this reason, the review of zones at Apex Mountain is being considered separately from the Residential, Commercial and Tourist Commercial Zone Reviews that have either been completed or are still in process by the Regional District.

Proposed Zone Changes
A preliminary review of the RMU Zone revealed that developed properties outside of the Village core area are almost exclusively residential (with the exception of the many vacation rentals that occur in this community).
The Regional District is also cognizant of concerns previously raised by the Apex community regarding the RMU Zone during the recent Official Community Plan (OCP) Bylaw Review (2016) as well as during earlier amendments introducing "vacation rentals" as a permitted use in the community (2013). These concerns related to the extent to which the RMU Zone contemplates the spread of commercial uses into residential areas and to the possible detriment of the Village core area.
While the preparation of a Local Area Plan for Apex exceeds the scope of the current work being undertaken in support of a single zoning bylaw for the Okanagan Electoral Areas, the Regional District considers there to be merit in reconsidering the RMU Zone.
Accordingly, it is being proposed to implement a similar type of zoning that was recently applied to the town centres of Okanagan Falls and Naramata and that this be in the form of a new “Apex Mountain Village” Zone. It is further proposed to apply this "Apex Mountain Village" Zone to the commercial core of the village and to apply residential zonings to other areas currently zoned RMU (NOTE: it is proposed that the RMU Zone would cease to exist as a result of this process).
Amendment Bylaw Status
Draft Documents | Public Consultation | Regional District Board Consideration |
Draft Amendment Bylaws: OCP Amendment Bylaw No. 2683.03 (version - 2019-12-20) Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2457.26 (version - 2019-12-20)
Comparison Tables: RMU Zone vs. Proposed AMV Zone RMU Zone vs. Proposed RM2 Zone RMU Zone vs. Proposed RD2 Zone RM3 Zone vs. Proposed RM2 Zone RM3 Zone vs. Proposed RD2 Zone
Implications for Twin Lakes: RMU vs. TLVC Land Use Designations (Twin Lakes)
Other Documents: Apex Mountain Resort Master Plan (1981) (version - 2020-01-14)
Superceded Versions of Bylaws: OCP Amendment Bylaw No. 2683.03 (version - 2018-04-19) Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2457.26 (version - 2018-04-19) |
Public Information Meetings: Monday June 22, 2020 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Location: https://rdos.webex.com Meeting Number: 146 248 1586 Password: RD@S
Tuesday, February 4, 2020 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. (Presentation: 7:00 p.m.) 101 Martin Street, Penticton (RDOS Board Room)
Public Hearings: Thursday, July 2, 2020 9:00 a.m. Location: https://rdos.webex.com Meeting Number: 146 377 8561 Password: RD@S By Phone: 250-490-4217; or Toll Free: 1-877-610-3737 Notice of Public Hearing Instructions on participating Public Hearing Notice (2020-07-02)
Thursday, June 4, 2020 9:00 a.m. Location: https://rdos.webex.com Meeting Number: 963 813 849 Password: RD@S By Phone: 250-490-4217; or Toll Free: 1-877-610-3737
CANCELLED! Thursday, April 2, 2020 9:00 a.m. 101 Martin Street, Penticton RDOS Board Room Notice of Public Hearing Cancellation |
Planning & Development Committee: Minutes (2018-04-19)
Minutes (2020-01-23)
Bylaw Introduction (1st & 2nd reading): Minutes (2020-03-05)
Public Hearing: Public Hearing Report (2020-06-04)
Public Hearing Report (2020-07-02)
3rd Reading & Adoption: Minutes (2020-06-04)
Administrative Report Minutes (2020-07-02) |