Soil Bylaw

At its meeting of October 7, 2021, the Planning and Development (P&D) Committee of the Regional District Board received the final report of the Greater West Bench Geotechnical Review from Ecora and Clarke Geoscience Limited.

The final report included a number of a recommendations to the Regional District “with the overall objective of reducing geotechnical risk in the [Greater West Bench; ‘GWB’] Area”.

One of the recommendations presented was that the Regional District “introduce a Soil Removal and Deposition Bylaw to regulate, monitor, and limit the removal and deposition of soil through permitting. Combined with the hazard mapping, soil removal and deposition activities can be reduced in high hazard areas and documented within the GWB area.”

This project is a response to the recommendation made within the Greater West Bench Geotechnical Review.

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Shannon Duong
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