Electoral Area "F"

Current Rezoning Proposals

Project No.ProponentAddressSummary


Current Soil Bylaw Amendment Proposals

Project No.ProponentAddressSummary

Current Development Variance Permit Applications

Project No.ProponentAddressPurpose
F2025.002-DVP  Michael Ellis  601 Valiant Drive   To allow for a reduced interior parcel line setback for a livestock shelter.
F2025.003-DVP B2K Properties 365 Callan Road  More information coming soon. 

Current Temporary Use Permit Applications

Project No.ProponentAddressSummary

Current Board of Variance Permit Applications

Project No.ProponentAddressSummary

Completed Rezoning Proposals

Project No.Zoning Bylaw No.OCP Bylaw No.AddressSummary
F2016.107-ZONE 2461.09, 2017 2460.04, 2017 633 Meadow Valley Rd Rezone from LH to SH2 to allow a 1-lot subdivision (refused).
F2018.083-ZONE 2461.11, 2018 - 15 Deans Road To allow for a 2-lot subdivision
F2019.016-ZONE   2461.13, 2019 48 Savanna Road To allow for the development of a 41-unit farm labour accommodation building
F2020.008-ZONE 2461.14, 2020 - 8025 Princeton-Summerland Road To allow a "home industry" use on a parcel less than 2.0 ha in area
F2021.002-ZONE 2461.15, 2021 - 8475 Princeton-Summerland Road To allow for a 3-lot subdivision.
F2021.004-ZONE 2461.16, 2021 - 5863 Princeton-Summerland Road To permit “Campground” as a principal use.
F2021.007-ZONE 2461.17, 2021 - 2002 West Bench Drive  To permit "retail store, general" as a principal use.
F2021.008-ZONE 2461.18, 2021 2790.02, 2021 625 Highway 97 To permit a 106 unit development (Refused)
F2021.012-ZONE 2461.20, 2021 - 8151 Princeton-Summerland Road To permit for a 2-lot subdivision (WITHDRAWN)
F2022.004-ZONE   2800.13, 2023 2790.06, 2023  1108 Fish Lake Road  To permit a 2-lot subdivision (Refused)

 2800.11, 2023

2790.05, 2023  8005 Princeton-Summerland Road  To permit a 3-lot subdivision (Refused) 

Completed Soil Bylaw Amendment Proposals

Project No.ProponentAddressSummary
F2023.001-SOIL Kevin Nightingale 811 West Bench Drive  To allow for the deposit of approximately 170 cubic metres of soil to facilitate the demolition of an existing single detached dwelling and backfill the foundation. 

Completed Temporary Use Permits

Project No.ProponentAddressSummaryPermit Expiry
F2023.002-TUP  Terri Lambert   217 West Bench Drive To permit the storage of a “mobile vendor” trailer on the property between events.  Denied
F2023.011-TUP  Bob & Lisa Perra  903 Newton Drive Residential Use of a Recreational Vehicle Denied
F2023.023-TUP  Bruce Peninsula Stone Ltd 432 Highway 97 To operate a vacation rental on the subject property. December 31, 2024
F2023.028-TUP  Chris Katerberg  8200 Princeton-Summerland Road  To allow residential use of a recreational vehicle  November 16, 2024
F2024.016-TUP  Erin Kooger 456 North Beach Road To allow a vacation rental use  (WITHDRAWN)

Completed Development Variance Permit (DVP) Applications

Project No.ProponentAddressSummary
F2021.026-DVP  Wojciech Artymowicz  1135 Jonathon Drive

to vary the front parcel line setback from 9.0 metres to 3.37 metres; and
to vary the maximum height for an accessory structure (garage) from 4.5 metres to 7.26 metres 

F2021.031-DVP  Martin & Lisa Lepke 2636 Forsyth Drive

to vary the interior setback from 1.5 meters to 0.43 meters, and
to increase the maximum height from 4.5 meters to 6.48 meters for an accessory building. 

F2022.004-DVP Dana Praught 7 Agur Court

To reduce the side setback to 3.0 m for a covered car port.

F2022.043-DVP Chad Allen  913 Sunglo Drive

To vary the maximum height for an accessory building from 4.5 metres to 6.58 metres. 

F2022.055-DVP  Bella & Joe Medeiros 1947 Sandstone Dr  To allow for the construction of a pool and to increase the maximum parcel coverage from 30% to 31.94%
F2023.027-DVP  Darrell Capune  1204 Veteran Drive  To allow an over height retaining wall in the side setback (WITHDRAWN) 
F2023.030-DVP  Megan and James Rutledge 2437 Westwood Drive To allow two (2) over height retaining walls.
F2023.037-DVP  Martin & Lisa Lepke 2636 Forsyth Drive To formalize the construction of a swimming pool within a front parcel line setback.
F2023.039-DVP  Max & Jerri Braaten 2218 Sandstone Drive To allow a shower and an over-sized bathroom in an accessory building. 
F2023.042-DVP  Shammi Sagar Saini 2204 Forsyth Drive To allow for the construction of a pool.
F2024.004-DVP  Darrell Capune 1204 Veteran Drive To vary the maximum height of an accessory building from 4.5 metres to 5.74 metres.
F2024.018-DVP  Deborah & Mark Webb  1124 Park Place To vary the maximum number and location of honeybee hives

Completed Board of Variance Applications

Project No.ProponentAddressSummary
F2023.001-BOV Brant Saunders 214 West Bench Drive To allow a shipping container to be located in a front yard