What We Do

The Local Government Act authorizes Regional Districts, by bylaw, to regulate the construction, alternation, repair or demolition of buildings and structures for the health, safety or protection of persons and property in accordance with the provisions of the British Columbia Building Code.
The RDOS Building Bylaw #2805 applies to the design, construction and occupancy of new buildings and structures including on site preparations, interconnection of modules, connection to services and installation of appliances for mobile homes and factory built houses, and to work related to the alteration, reconstruction, demolition, removal, relocation and occupancy of existing buildings and structures in Electoral Areas A, C, D, E, F, H and I of the Regional District Okanagan-Similkameen.
The building bylaw was enacted to regulate construction within the Regional District in the general public interest. The activities undertaken by or on behalf of the Regional District pursuant to the building bylaw are for the sole purpose of providing a limited spot checking function for reasons of health, safety and the protection of persons and property.
Permits are required for construction, repairs or alterations to a building or structure, demolition of a structure, location or relocation of a building or structure, farm buildings, placing a temporary building or structure, siting (placement) of a storage container, masonry fireplace or chimney, swimming pools, retaining walls over 1.2m in height, and installation of plumbing systems or alterations or additions to plumbing (water or drain) systems.
All construction must meet current local zoning bylaws. Zoning describes property use (residential, commercial, etc.), setbacks, density (number of dwellings) and height restrictions. For more information regarding zoning refer to the RDOS Planning pages.
If you have questions regarding information presented in this site, please telephone or visit Regional District Okanagan-Similkameen Building Inspection.
RDOS Building Bylaw 2805, 2018
Building Bylaw 2805, 2018 - Found under Regional Bylaws --> Building Inspection
Fees & Charges Bylaw 2955 – Found under Regional Bylaws --> Corporate
(Building Fees on Schedule 2)
Climatic / Snow Load Data
Appendix A to RDOS Building Bylaw 2805
Riparian Areas Regulations
Please note that if your building project is within 30m of the high water mark of a lake, swamp, pond or watercourse or top of ravine bank, you may be required to file a Riparian Areas Regulation Assessment with the province and obtain a Watercourse Development Permit before your Building Permit application can be accepted. More information on the Riparian Area Regulations is available from Planning Services at (250) 490-4107 or toll-free (for B.C. & Alberta) at 1-877-610-3737.
Riparian Area Regulations (setback from water courses)