Curbside Collection
For information about upcoming changes to the Curbside Collection program (beginning July 2025), including carts, please visit the RDOS Regional Connections project page.
Cart Program - beginning July 2025
The RDOS will be supplying three (3) carts to all homes receiving curbside collection service. The RDOS provides curbside collection for properties in Electoral Areas “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, “E”, “F”, “G”, and “I” and the Village of Keremeos. All participating properties will receive new carts for garbage, recycling, and yard waste in June 2025. Garbage will continue to be collected weekly. To view a recording of an online Open House event that took place in November 2024, please click here
The standard-size carts below will be delivered in June 2025, unless a Cart Change-out Form was completed.
- 120 litre garbage
- 240 litre recycle
- 240 litre yard waste
See below for optional changes. To change the size or quantity of carts that you will receive, please contact us at or 250-490-4129. A $45 fee may be applied for cart change-out requests. Any cart change-out requests made after April 1, 2025, may not receive the carts requested in the initial delivery. These requests will be accommodated after July 1, 2025, providing carts of the requested size and type are still available.
Option |
Additional Monthly Cost |
Upsize garbage cart to 240L |
$5 |
Upsize recycle cart to 360L |
No cost |
Additional 240L yard waste cart |
$5 |
Downsize yard waste cart to 120L, or no yard waste cart |
No change in cost |
Upgrade garbage cart to 120L wildlife-resistant |
$4 |
For further information about upcoming changes to the Curbside Collection program beginning July 2025, including frequently asked questions, please visit the RDOS Regional Connections project page.
Update - February 21, 2025
RDOS will be visiting existing carts to conduct evaluations in March and April 2025.
RDOS will be evaluating existing carts so they may be included in the new curbside collection program that begins July 1, 2025 in the RDOS and Village of Keremeos. To find your evaluation date, see the letter that will be mailed or emailed to you. If you have not received this letter by April 21st, please contact the Solid Waste Hotline. Any carts that are not approved will not be collected from after July 1, 2025. Residents had since November to request evaluation of their carts and RDOS will not be accepting new requests.
- Please have all of your curbside carts at the curb on your evaluation day by 7:00 am, including garbage, recycle, and yard waste.
- Keep the carts at the curb until 6:00 pm.
- If you do not have your carts at the curb at the time of evaluation, they may not be evaluated.
- You do not need to be present during the evaluation.
Submitted your own carts for evaluation?
If you have requested evaluation of your cart(s), you will be receiving an email requiring your consent to proceed with RDOS evaluating and, if approved, taking ownership of your cart(s). Please confirm your consent by replying "Yes" to that email. If you do not provide consent before your evaluation day, your carts may not be evaluated.
Renting carts from Waste Connections?
If you are currently renting curbside carts from Waste Connections of Canada, your carts will automatically be evaluated to be included with curbside collection. You will receive a letter with your evaluation dates. Any wildlife-resistant carts that are not the clip-lock style will not be approved.
For further information, including the next steps after the cart approval process, please visit the RDOS Regional Connections curbside collection project page
Update - November 4, 2024
Currently owned carts
If you already own a cart that you think may fit within the specifications, please email before February 21, 2025 with your name, address, photo(s), and description of your cart(s) to be considered as a customer-supplied container. The carts will need to be individually evaluated to ensure they are compatible with collection. After your cart is approved to be adopted into curbside collection, you will receive a one-time rebate towards the cost of collection, the cart will be owned by the RDOS, and it must remain at your property if you move. If your carts are larger than the standard size (120 litre garbage, 240 litre recycle, 240 litre yard waste), the RDOS will begin charging you the applicable fees for any additional waste volume. The cost for upsized or additional carts applies whether is it supplied by the resident or the RDOS.
Carts rented from Waste Connections
If you currently rent your carts from Waste Connections and would like to continue using the same carts, no action is needed from you. Waste Connections and the RDOS will coordinate transferring the ownership of the carts to the RDOS starting July 2025 and Waste Connections will stop billing you the rental fees. If your carts are larger than the standard size (120 litre garbage, 240 litre recycle, 240 litre yard waste), the RDOS will begin charging you the applicable fees for any additional waste. An RDOS staff member will visit and evaluate your carts in March or April 2025 and, if approved, apply an RDOS branded sticker and an identification tag. After July 2025, if your cart suffers wear and tear or accidental damage, it will be replaced at no cost by the RDOS. The cart will remain at your property if you move.
For further information about upcoming changes to the Curbside Collection program beginning July 2025, including frequently asked questions, please visit the RDOS Regional Connections project page.
Curbside Collection and Collection Times
The RDOS Curbside Recycling and Garbage Collection program is a mandatory service for the majority of rural residences (outside a municipality) in RDOS Electoral Areas "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "I", and for the Village of Keremeos. Waste Connections of Canada is contracted to carry out the RDOS Curbside Recycling and Garbage Collection program.
Curbside collection service consists of four main programs:
- Weekly garbage collection
- Every other week recycling collection
- Seasonal yard waste pickups
- Yearly pickup of two large items per household
Curbside is billed annually in June (it is not on taxes). Electoral Areas E and F, are billed quarterly. If you are not receiving a curbside invoice, please contact the RDOS.
Place curbside to the curb for 7:00 am (not the night before). Curbside collection times can vary and be any time from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm. Reasonable efforts are made to maintain a consistent weekly collection time.
Garbage, recycling, and yard waste carts remain with the property when ownership changes. You don’t need to take any carts with you when moving. Carts for new buildings are delivered through the occupancy permit process.
Missed Pick-up: If curbside was not collected after 5:00 pm, please remove materials from the curb and email or phone curbside contractor to let them know your address was missed. Provide address and contact information. Curbside Contractor will inform you when they will collect the missed collection. Do not leave garbage or recycling at the curb overnight.
Curbside Contractor contact - Waste Connections of Canada:
- Phone: 250-490-3888 and 250-498-4888
- Email:
How to Sign-Up for Curbside Collection
RDOS Rural Curbside is provided in most of Rural Areas A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and I.
- Please email RDOS Solid Waste with your address and contact information.
Village of Keremeos
- Please contact the Village of Keremeos: email: or phone: 250-499-2711
Curbside program information for RDOS Rural and Village of Keremeos is the same.
Missed Collection
Waste Connections of Canada is contracted to carry out the RDOS Curbside Recycling and Garbage program, which services the majority of rural residences in Electoral Areas "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "I", and the Village of Keremeos.
For missed curbside collection, please contact the curbside contractor, Waste Connections of Canada (provide your address and contact):
- Email:
- Phone: 250-490-3888
When collections are missed due to poor road conditions, or if the driver missed your address contact Waste Connections to learn if they are picking up all curbside materials (garbage, recycling or yardwaste) later that day, the next day, or if all missed collection, or just garbage is to be placed out with your next scheduled curbside collection day. If curbside will be collected the next day, please do not leave curbside garbage or recycling at the curb overnight.
- If missed curbside garbage is to be picked up with the next scheduled curbside collection day, your missed weekly limit garbage and your regular week's garbage will be collected.
If it was a recycling week or a yard waste week and collection was not received, check the curbside calendar for the next collection date, and place out then, unless other arrangements were made with the curbside contractor.
Rural road maintenance, including snow removal and sanding – Roads in rural areas are contracted to AIM Roads (since 2019) under the Ministry of Transportation and Transit to provide road maintenance, snow removal and sanding services for rural roads. During snowfall events highways and emergency routes are prioritized for clearing, followed next by bus routes, and lastly by arterial routes and secondary roads. If collection trucks cannot safely reach certain areas that have not been plowed or sanded, Curbside Collection may be postponed. Please note that some roads are maintained privately, and not by AIM Roads.
- Phone: 1-866-222-4204
Curbside collection times can vary and be any time from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm. Reasonable efforts are made to maintain a consistent weekly collection time.
If curbside was not picked up after 5:00 pm, please remove materials from the curb and email or phone curbside contractor to let them know your address was missed. Provide your address and contact information. Curbside contractor will confirm when they will collect the missed collection. Do not leave garbage or recycling at the curb overnight.
Curbside Contractor contact - Waste Connections of Canada:
- Phone: 250-490-3888 Email:
Curbside Collection Trucks and Winter Roads - Curbside trucks are a split truck and one side (the garbage side) is heavier than the other side. Even when the commercial truck is not a split truck and although a car/passenger truck is able to drive and control their vehicle on a road with ice/snow, controlling a 260,000 kg commercial truck is very different and cannot always do so. With the nature of roads not being flat as the surface is angled to assist in the drainage of water (road camber), this makes for even more difficult driving for commercial trucks when roadways have ice or are unplowed.
Getting around corners and staying straight on sloped roads and corners with ice or compact snow with ice, has landed trucks in the ditch, even with chains on. Sometimes, the center of the road is clear, but the wider portion of the road that the trucks need to traverse covered in snow or ice.
When the curbside truck stops on ice, heat from the vehicle and tires will allow water to form on top of the ice, and the truck may slide sideways with no way to stop. Sometimes a road or street is serviceable, but the access roads are not. Though every effort is made to ensure waste collection services occur throughout the Regional District at the scheduled time, during snowfall events, your waste collection may be deferred to the next regularly scheduled pick-up day.
Curbside Weekly Reminder & Service Alerts
Click here to sign up for weekly curbside reminders and curbside alerts:
- In the calendar widget, enter your address,
- When your address appears, click Get a reminder!, and select on one of the options on how you wish to be notified. If you only want updates about events such as weather delays, select Service Alerts and Informational Updates Only.
- Complete the required fields, then click Sign me up!
Curbside Calendar July 2024 - June 2025
Electoral Area "A" (Rural Osoyoos) - TUESDAY
Electoral Area "B" (Cawston) - FRIDAY
Electoral Area "C" (Rural Oliver, Willowbrook) - MONDAY
Electoral Area "D" and "I" (Okanagan Falls, Kaleden, Twin Lakes) - WEDNESDAY
Electoral Area "D" (Upper Carmi) - THURSDAY
Electoral Area "E" (Naramata, Falconridge) - THURSDAY
Electoral Area "F" (West Bench, Red Wing) - THURSDAY
Electoral Area "G" (Rural Keremeos, Olalla, Hedley) - FRIDAY
Large Item Yearly Curbside Collection

2024 Large Item Collection dates:
- Monday, April 8: Area “C” (rural Oliver), Town of Oliver for properties located north of Fairview Road and Park Drive
- Tuesday, April 9: Area “A” (rural Osoyoos), Town of Osoyoos
- Wednesday, April 10: Area “D” (Skaha East, Okanagan Falls) and Area “I” (Skaha West, Kaleden)
- Thursday, April 11: Area “E” (Naramata), Area “F” (West Bench, Red Wing), and Area “D” (Upper Carmi)
- Friday, April 12: Area “B” (Cawston), Area “G” (rural Keremeos), Village of Keremeos, Town of Oliver for properties located south of Fairview Road and Park Drive
- Monday, April 15 – Friday, April 19: City of Penticton (regular curbside collection day)
- Monday, June 17: Apex
Large Item Curbside Collection information sheet (click to print or download to your computer)
The Large Item Collection is held on a specific day each spring and allows each home receiving Curbside pick-up to place out two items per year for residential pickup. See the information sheet for more information.
Acceptable items such as furniture, mattresses and appliances are listed below, and in the above information sheet. For the annual pickup date for your area please consult your curbside calendar.
What is Accepted:
Maximum 2 items per household – maximum weight per item 90 kg (200lbs)
a) Furniture such as couches, desks, chairs, entertainment centers with shelving, cat towers, bedframe rails secured with tape...;
b) Mattress and box spring - placing out a mattress and a box spring would count as 2 items;
c) Appliances accepted - dishwashers, microwaves, stoves, range hoods, washing machines, dryers, refrigerators, freezers and air conditioners (no food left in appliances) (no hot water tanks);
a) Older fridges and freezers with locking doors - for safety reasons, please remove door and shelves and place beside the unit for collection;
b) Barbeques accepted when hoses, tanks, charcoal, and dripping tray container of oil is removed before placing to the curb;
c) Gym equipment accepted;
d) Area carpets with a bound edge or fringe, rolled, taped securely, under 6 feet (1.8 meter);
e) Blinds that are taped securely, cords removed, and under 6 feet (1.8 meter).
Important note: The Town of Osoyoos Large Item Collection curbside program does not accept items containing Freon (i.e. fridges, freezers, air conditioners). For residents living in City of Penticton, Town of Oliver and Town of Osoyoos, please check your municipal curbside calendar for more details.
When to place large item to the curb
- There is one scheduled curbside large item collection per year.
- Check your Curbside Calendar for Large Item Collection Date (generally in April each year).
- Place out at regular garbage collection area before 7:00 am on scheduled week in a safe area at the curb
- Items will be picked up on the regular day of garbage curbside collection
What is NOT Accepted
No electronics or small plug-in items such as TVs, computer monitors, or other electronics;
No vacuums, carpet cleaners, fans, toaster ovens, or other small plug-in items (see Electro Recycle on where to recycle);
No floor or table lamps (see Recycle Lights BC - Product Care Recycling on where to recycle)
No renovation or demolition waste, doors, toilets, bathroom/kitchen cabinets or fixtures;
No hot tubs or lids, hot water tanks, flooring, heat pumps, furnace or plumbing;
No room carpets or underlay;
No gas, battery or electric powered equipment such as lawn mowers, power tools, garage door openers;
No concrete items (such as blocks, fountains, lawn or garden ornaments), or other random materials;
No to any item weighing over 90kg / 200lbs.
- Residents may contact the RDOS for information on recycling and safe disposal options for any of these items 250-490-4129
Please take computers, monitors and TVs directly to free recycling depots. Click here for information and depot locations. The Campbell Mountain, Oliver and Keremeos Landfills will also take all residential electronic waste free of charge. Place in the landfills designated area.
For drills, vacuums, fans, power tools and other small plug-in items see Electro Recycle on where to recycle Recycle Small Appliances and Power Tools in BC - ElectroRecycle
- Floor or table lamps, lightbulbs see: Recycle Lights in British Columbia - Product Care Recycling
Large Item Not Picked Up
If you had placed your item to the curb before 7:00 am, and if an acceptable large item is not collected, resident may call and leave a message for Waste Connections of Canada at 250-490-3888, or toll-free 1-866-998-4888, or email - Include your address and contact information.
What can I put in my Curbside Recycling?
- For a complete list on what is recyclable in curbside recycling container, see Recycle BC's website:
- Residential Curbside Recycling Information Sheet (please note that under the Return-It program, milkjugs and plant-based beverage containers are now part of the deposit system, and may be returned to Bottle Depots.
Curbside Accepted materials - must be Clean and Dry:
- Paper, Paper Packaging and Cardboard
- Cartons and Paper Cups
- Containers made of Plastic, Aluminum, Steel
- NO Glass, Foam, Bags, Sacs or Pouches permitted in curbside
Click here for a list of all clean Residential Recycling Materials included within the BC wide RecycleBC program. Materials that are not clean or mixed with non-collectable items will be left at curb. (Please note: Glass, Foam and Plastic Bags and Other Flexible Plastic Packaging is not permitted in curbside recycling or apartment recycling. These materials are accepted when clean and sorted at local depots).
For collection from your home you may mix all acceptable materials in the same recycling container. At Depots, materials need to be sorted into the proper categories.
If a service provider notices containers placed at the curb which contain any materials other than those collected, those containers may be left at the curb. If you have any questions regarding the acceptablility of a specific item or material for recycling, please phone the RDOS Curbside Hotline at 490-4129 or toll-free at 1-877-610-3737 ext. 4129, and leave a message with your name and number for a prompt return call. You can also e-mail
For information on where to recycle materials not collected through this program please visit our Recycling page for information on other recycling programs.
Container Specifications
For information about upcoming changes to the Curbside Collection program beginning in July 2025, including carts, please visit the Regional Connections Project Page.
Specifications below - or Container Details and Curbside Information Sheet
Lifted by Hand - Manual Lift:
- For curbside that is lifted by hand into the curbside truck - WorksafeBC limits the total weight of any bag, can (no wheels), container (with wheels) to 25 kg (55 pounds).
- The maximum volume is 95 litres for any can (with no wheels). The maximum volume of a container with wheels is 121 litres or 32 gallons. Cans and Containers must have adequate handles to allow the driver to lift and empty safely, and weight not to exceed 25kg (55lbs). Any can or container that cannot be lifted safely will not be collected. For Garbage collection, bagged garbage is permitted, and maximum volume per bag is 95 litres, and weight of each bag cannot exceed 25kg (55lbs).
- There is a weekly limit for Garbage - for more specifics, see heading: Garbage Collection
- For more details on Recycling Collection, and Yard & Garden Waste Collection - see more specifics under each of those headings.
Semi-Automated Lift for Rolling Carts:
- Large rolling carts are designed to be lifted by a machine, must have a metal bar half way up the front side to allow collection. The front bar is located on the opposite side from the wheels and allows for automated lifting of the cart by the collection vehicle. Before purchasing a rolling cart, it is advisable to check with the curbside contractor, Waste Connections, to ensure the bar type works with the truck's semi-automated lift.
- For Garbage rolling carts please note there is a limit to the amount of garbage that can be collected each week (one-240L rolling cart with a metal bar half way up the front side - weighs no more than 57kg (125lbs). For more specifics, see 'Garbage Collection'.
- For Recycling rolling carts with a metal bar half way up the front side - any size up to 360L is accepted. For more specifics, see 'Recycling Collection'.
- For Yard Waste rolling carts with a metal bar half way up the front side - any size up to 240L is accepted. Yard Waste rolling carts cannot weight more than 57kg (125lbs). For more specifics, see 'Yard Waste Collection'.
Cart Rentals – for Semi-Automated Lift
- Curbside Contractor, Waste Connections, offers yearly Cart rentals for Curbside Garbage, Recycling, and Yard Waste
- Include in the email your full name, property address, phone number and email
- Waste Connections email: or phone 250-490-3888 or 1-866-998-4888
Garbage, recycling and yard waste carts remain with the property when ownership changes. You don’t need to take any carts with you when moving. Carts for new buildings are delivered through the occupancy permit process.
Containers - Garbage Collection
For information about upcoming changes to the Curbside Collection program beginning in July 2025, including carts, please visit the Regional Connections Project Page.
- For manual lift (lifted by hand) for Garbage: The maximum weight of each bag, or can with no wheels (max. volume size up to 95 litres), or container with wheels (max. volume size up to 121 litres) shall not exceed 25kg (55 pounds). Each week, the limit is a total of two. Cans and Containers must have adequate handles to allow the driver to lift and empty safely.
- For semi-automated lift for Garbage: Rolling Carts are designed to be lifted by machine and must have a metal bar half way up the front side to allow for collection. The front bar is the opposite side from the wheels and the size limit is up to a 240 litre rolling cart. Each week, one (1) 240 Litre is the size (volume) limit for garbage collection for semi-automated lift with a weight of no more than 57kg (125lbs). Before purchasing a rolling cart it is advisable to check with the curbside contractor, Waste Connections, to ensure the bar type works with the truck's semi-automated lift.
- For extra garbage over the limit - it must have a tag-a-bag sticker on each bag over the limit - please see: 'Tag-a-Bag Garbage Stickers'
- Cart Rentals – for Semi-Automated Lift
- Curbside Contractor, Waste Connections, offers yearly Cart rentals for Curbside Garbage, Recycling, and Yard Waste
- For more information contact Waste Connections, preferably by email
- Include in the email your full name, property address, phone number and email
- Waste Connections email: or phone 250-490-3888 or 1-866-998-4888

Maximum volume for cans with no wheels, with handles is 95 litres
Containers - Recycling Collection
For information about upcoming changes to the Curbside Collection program beginning in July 2025, including carts, please visit the Regional Connections Project Page.
VIDEO - What can go in curbside recycling
VIDEO - Acceptable Recycling Containers
Blue Bags banned as of July 1st, 2020
Residential Curbside Recycling Information Sheet (please note that under the Return-It program, milkjugs and plant-based beverage containers are now part of the deposit system, and may be returned to Bottle Depots - to learn more, see Return-It website)
Residential recycling, provided by Recycle BC, occurs every two weeks on your regular garbage day as indicated in your collection calendar.
Residents must purchase or rent marked re-usable containers (ie. blue box but cover so papers do not fly around and so rain or snow does not wet items, marked garbage can, recycling cart) for recycling. The RDOS can provide free 'Recycle Only' stickers to help mark a recycling container. Contact the RDOS to have stickers mailed to your home or drop by the downtown Penticton office at 101 Martin Street during business hours.
Accepted Clean and Dry Items (click on material type for more information):
- Paper, Paper Packaging and Cardboard
- Cartons and Paper Cups
- Containers made of Plastic, Aluminum, Steel
- NO Glass, Foam, Bags, Sacs or Pouches
Place your clean, dry recyclables (click here for more information on accepted items) in the same container (NO Glass, Styrofoam, Plastic Bags or Other Flexible Plastic Packaging accepted for curbside collection!).
On your recycling week place out as many containers of accepted recycling as you like.
Place out your recycling by 7:00 am on your collection day.
- Recycling pickup occurs on the same day as your garbage collection day every other week (biweekly)
- The collector uses a split truck that allows for the garbage and recycling to be placed in the same vehicle.
- Place all your CLEAN recyclables mixed together. DO NOT PLACE FLAMMABLES WITH RECYCLING.
- Cardboard can be added to a container or tied secured with tape or with twine (not wire) and placed under your container in dry weather. Bundles should be no larger than 65cm (2') by 1m (3') by 15cm deep (6") to fit into collection trucks.
- Flatten boxes to save space. You don't need to peel off labels.
- Shredded paper may be placed out in one clear or clear blue bag. ONLY shredded paper is allowed in the clear or clear blue bag - Tie closed, and place in your can/container.
- For manual lift for Recycling - Maximum weight per can/container 25kg or 55 pounds. Volume limit is 95 litres for a can (with no wheels), or a 121 litre container (with wheels) - Cans/Containers must have adequate handles.
Semi-automated lift for Recycling – Rolling Carts are designed to be lifted by a machine and must have a metal bar half way up the front side to allow for collection. Size limit for each cart is up to 360 litres. There is no limit on recycling. The front bar is located on the opposite side from the wheels and allows for automated lifting of the cart by the collection vehicle. Before purchasing a rolling cart it is advisable to check with the curbside contractor, Waste Connections, to ensure the bar type works with the truck's semi-automated lift.
- There's no limit on the number of containers you can place out at the curb
- NO GLASS, NO PLASTIC BAGS, NO STYROFOAM OR BOOKS (click here for Free Recycling Depots for these items)
- Cart Rentals – for Semi-Automated Lift
- Curbside Contractor, Waste Connections, offers yearly Cart rentals for Curbside Garbage, Recycling, and Yard Waste
- For more information contact Waste Connections, preferably by email
- Include in the email your full name, property address, phone number and email
- Waste Connections email: or phone 250-490-3888 or 1-866-998-4888
Containers - Yard Waste Collection

For information about upcoming changes to the Curbside Collection program beginning in July 2025, including carts, please visit the Regional Connections Project Page.
Food waste is not collected. For more information on home composting click here.
How the Yard and Garden waste collection works:
- Place yard waste in clearly marked reusable containers or in compostable paper bags (no plastic bags).
- Bundle prunings with string ( not wire, nylon cord or plastic banding) - bundled prunings up to 3 feet / 1 meter in length
- Unlimited amounts of properly packaged yard waste will be accepted, as long as prepared correctly and not over weight limit.
- See below for container sizes and weights.
Free "YARD WASTE ONLY" stickers available to place on reusable containers (like a garbage can you want to use only for yard waste). Contact your local government office to get a free sticker.
Materials Accepted include:
- grass clippings
- leaves
- pine needles and cones
- garden plants
- bundled prunings up to 3 feet / 1 meter in length
- Do not place invasive plants or noxious weeds in with yard waste - for more information see Invasive Species Program (How to dispose of invasive plants or noxious weeds, see below)
- Do not place rocks or pebbles in yard waste.
- Do not place plastic bags in yard waste.
- Yard Waste is chipped and these do not materials damage the chipper, and also means the yard waste cannot be made into clean compost. Invasive Plant seeds can spread or take root, and therefore best not placed in with yard waste.
Invasive Plants, Noxious Weeds:
- Do not place invasive plants or noxious weeds in with yard waste - for more information see Invasive Species Program
- Not sure what an invasive plant and / or noxious weed is? visit the Oasiss website
- How to dispose of invasive plants or noxious weeds to an RDOS Administered Landfill ? See Oasiss Information sheet Click here or call and leave a message on the Solid Waste Hotline 250-490-4129 or email
Yard Waste Container Sizes and Weights:
- For worker safety, the maximum total weight of individual cans, bags and bundles is 25 kgs / 55 lbs each.
Manual lifting for YARD WASTE – volume limit is 95 litres for a paper bag, or a can (with no wheels), or a 121 litre container (with wheels) – and each bag, can or container is not to exceed in weight 25kg (55lbs). Yard Waste amounts to the curb is unlimited. Cans and containers must have adequate handles.
Semi-automated lift for Yard Waste - Rolling carts are designed to be lifted by machine and must have a metal bar half way up the front to allow for collection. Size limit is up to 240 litres - weight no more than 57kg (125lbs). Before purchasing a rolling cart it is advisable to check with the curbside contractor, Waste Connections, to ensure the bar type works with the truck's semi-automated lift
Cart Rentals – for Semi-Automated Lift
- Curbside Contractor, Waste Connections, offers yearly Cart rentals for Curbside Garbage, Recycling, and Yard Waste
- For more information contact Waste Connections, preferably by email
- Include in the email your full name, property address, phone number and email
- Waste Connections email: or phone 250-490-3888 or 1-866-998-4888
Containers - Wildlife Resistant

For information about upcoming changes to the Curbside Collection program beginning in July 2025, including carts, please visit the Regional Connections Project Page.
Due to concerns with bears and other wildlife, residents in Areas "A", "C", "D", "E", "F", and "I" may not place unprotected garbage out overnight. Residents can choose to:
- place out garbage after 5:00am on your regular collection day
- place out garbage in a wildlife resistant container or enclosure
Wildlife Resistant carts or containers with lid locks must be unlocked before 7:00am. For information on wildlife resistant containers and wildlife resistant enclosures please visit our Wildsafe BC web page. Check with Waste Connections of Canada if they have residential wildlife resistant garbage carts for rent or more information regarding an optional cart rental program:
- 250-490-3888, email:
Recycling at Depots
Unlike curbside collection, Depot recyclables must be sorted. There are separate bins for each material type. Please read signs at the Depot and sort correctly.
- For a full list on what is recyclable at Depots see:
- What is accepted at Recycling Depots, and how to sort? Depot Recycling Information Handout
Please keep material types separated.
Tag-a-Bag Garbage stickers

Extra garbage bags will be collected each week if each additional bag has a 'tag-a bag' sticker placed on each bag over the two bag a week limit. Bags must not be over 25kgs (55 lbs) each, and maximum volume is 95 litres.
- Only place tag-a-bag stickers on extra garbage bags. Do not attach stickers to garbage cans.
- Place the bags so that the stickers are visible for the Garbage Collection Contractor.
The cost of the RDOS Tag-a-Bag garbage stickers is $1.50 each (per bag) and they can be purchased at:
- Hedley - Country Store
- Keremeos - Buy-Low Foods, Village of Keremeos office
- Naramata - Naramata General Store
- Oliver - Buy-Low Foods, Town of Oliver office
- Osoyoos - Osoyoos Town Hall
- Penticton - Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen office
The Town of Princeton operates their own Tag-a-Bag service. These can be picked up from Princeton Town Hall.
Yard Waste - Disposing to Landfill
Up to 500kg/day of residential yard and garden waste can be disposed of free of charge at all Landfills.
Do not place invasive plants or noxious weeds in with yard waste. For more information see Invasive Species Program
- Not sure what an invasive plant or noxious weed is? Visit the Oasiss website
- How to dispose of invasive plants and/or noxious weeds to an RDOS Administered Landfill? See Oasiss Information Sheet or call and leave a message on the Solid Waste Hotline.