Installation of ‘rip-rap’ on Cedar Street Spit restoration project

News Article

The Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen (RDOS) is continuing work on the Cedar Street Spit restoration project in Electoral Area “D” (Okanagan Falls) with the installation of ‘rip-rap’, an essential step in fortifying the spit. The project is located at the corner of Cedar Street and 7th Avenue in Okanagan Falls.  

This phase of the project will begin Monday, September 18, 2023, with the installation of the ‘rip-rap’, which consists of sturdy rocks placed along the shoreline to protect against water currents, waves, ice, and erosion. 

During this phase, it is important to note the work will be loud and disruptive due to the heavy equipment involved. Please respect all posted signage and give crews ample space to carry out work safely and efficiently. The RDOS appreciates the cooperation of the community during this work. 

Work to remove invasive trees along the spit has been completed however, tree stumps will be removed to make room for the planting of new native species as part of the next phase of the restoration project. 

For further information, including project details, timelines, and updates, please visit the Area “D” Parks Plan project page at or contact Kyle Gabelhei, RDOS Projects Coordinator. 


Mark Pendergraft, Chair
Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen 

Matt Taylor, Electoral Area “D” Director
Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen 


Kyle Gabelhei
RDOS Projects Coordinator

Sara Foss


RDOS Toll-Free

RDOS Communications               






 Cedar Street Spit invasive trees during removal

Cedar Street Spit restoration project during removal of invasive trees
Electoral Area “D” (Okanagan Falls), September 2023


Cedar Street Spit invasive trees after removal

Cedar Street Spit restoration project during removal of invasive trees
Electoral Area “D” (Okanagan Falls), September 2023

