Electoral Area "E"

Current Rezoning Proposals

Project No.ProponentAddressSummary
E2024.014-ZONE  Robert Lennie & Dawn Lennie  3005 Naramata Road  To rezone the parcel to Agriculture

Current Development Variance Permit Applications

Project No.ProponentAddressPurpose
E2024.032-DVP  Katherine Davies & Karen Verrveda 3195 Bartlett Road  To reduce the exterior parcel line setback.

Current Board of Variance Applications

Project No.ProponentAddressSummary

Current Temporary Use Permit Applications

Project No.ProponentAddressPurpose
E2024.004-TUP Bernadette & Nick Gammer  2870 Gammon Road To allow a vacation rental use
E2024.012-TUP  Tanya Tougas 1160 McPhee Road To allow a vacation rental use
E2024.013-TUP Jeffrey Murton 1135 McPhee Road To allow a vacation rental use (renewal)
E2024.014-TUP Lawrence Josey 2864 Arawana Road To allow a vacation rental use
E2024.015-TUP Martin Forbes 450 Robinson Avenue To allow a vacation rental use
E2024.031-TUP  Gary MacDonald 3260 McKay Road To reissue an existing permit for a vacation rental use

Completed Rezoning Proposals

Project No.Zoning Bylaw No.OCP Bylaw No.AddressSummary
E-10-06834.000 2459.06, 2011 2458.03, 2011

3498 Arawana Forestry Rd

Rezone from RA to SH5s in order to allow 41 lot subdivision

E2016.004-ZONE 2459.18, 2016 2458.09, 2016 4800 North Naramata Rd

Adjust zone boundaries to reflect

new parcel lines

E2016.036-ZONE 2459.19, 2016 - various Update Naramata Centre zoning
E2016.063-ZONE 2459.20, 2016 - 2825 Naramata Rd Allow 650 m2 floor area related to a winery use
E2016.100-ZONE 2459.21, 2016 - 2255 Naramata Rd Allow for an accessory dwelling with a floor area of 184 m2.
E2017.005-ZONE 2459.22 2458.10 3498 Arawana Forestry Road To allow for a 68 lot subdivision with the provision for duplexes on some parcels. (WITHDRAWN)
E2017.028-ZONE 2459.23, 2017 - 6900 Indian Rock Road To allow for the development of an accessory dwelling ("carriage house")
E2017.051-ZONE 2459.24, 2017 - 4865 North Naramata Road To allow for an accessory dwelling unit with a floor area of 210 m2
E2017.054-ZONE 2459.25, 2017 - 2870 Gammon Road, Naramata To allow for an accessory dwelling on the second floor of an existing garage.
E2017.103-ZONE 2459.26, 2017 - 1362 Greyback Mountain Road To allow a "distillery" use in the Small Holdings Two (SH2) Zone.
E2017.126-ZONE 2459.27 2458.11 N/A To facilitate an 11 lot subdivision (INCOMPLETE)
E2018.023-ZONE 2459.28 - 940 & 950 Lower Debeck Road To allow 6 agri-tourism accommodation units on a parcel less than 8.0 ha (WITHDRAWN)
E2018.058-ZONE 2459.29, 2018 2458.12 7005 Indian Rock Road To replace existing CT1 Zone with a CD2 Zone to allow residential use.
E2018.095-ZONE 2459.31, 2018 - 891 & 945 Old Main Road To allow for the development of an accessory dwelling with a floor area of 140 m2.
E2018.108-ZONE 2459.32 2458.14 N/A To facilitate an 11 lot subdivision (WITHDRAWN)
E2018.126-ZONE 2459.33 - 2493 Gammon Road, Naramata To allow 3 agri-tourism accommodation units on a parcel less than 4.0 ha in area
E2019.003-ZONE 2459.34 2458.15 2587 Naramata Road To allow for an eating and drinking establishment (i.e. "coffee shop")
E2019.007-ZONE 2459.35, 2019 -

3440 Arawana Road; 3690 Arawana Forestry Road; and No civic 

To introduce "campground" as a permitted use in the Resource Area (RA) zoning that applies to the properties.
E2019.012-ZONE 2459.36, 2019 - Workman Place, Naramata To reduce the front & rear setbacks for principal & accessory building and structures on 17 properties.
E2019.017-ZONE  2459.37 2458.16 4850 North Naramata Road To allow for a 40-lot subdivision (REFUSED)
E2021.014-ZONE 2459.38, 2022 2458.17, 2022 9540 & 9550 Chute Lake Road  To allow for tourist development including lodge, yurts, cabins, glam tents, camping.
E2021.023-ZONE 2800.09, 2022 - 940/950 Lower Debeck Road To allow for the use of 6 agri-tourism accommodation units. 
E2021.025-ZONE  2459.40, 2022   - 11 - 7080 Glenfir Road To allow for oversized dwellings on the property (REFUSED)
E2022.005-ZONE - 2458.18, 2022 2265 Naramata Road  To allow a tram as a "Expedited" WDP. 
E2022.014-ZONE   2800.19, 2023

 3690 Arawana Forestry Road

 To increase the maximum allowable length of stay within a campground from 30 days to 182 days.


E2023.008-ZONE  2800.24, 2023


1313 Greyback Mountain Road  To permit the development of a composting operation and a public maintenance and works yard.
E2023.002-ZONE  2800.26, 2023


3205 Rushbury Place  To permit an accessory dwelling on the property (DENIED)
E2023.005-ZONE   2800.27, 2023  2458.21, 2023  1238 Gawne Road To facilitate a two-lot subdivision. (WITHDRAWN) 
E2024.006-ZONE   2800.39, 2024 3010.01, 2024 3325 3rd Street & Unaddressed Westerly Property at the NE Corner of 1st St and Gwendoline Ave  To allow for the construction of a single detached dwelling on each of the seven legal lots which comprise the subject properties.

Completed Development Variance Permits

Project No.AddressSummary
E2021.022-DVP 35 Robinson Point Road

to vary the minimum front parcel line setback from 7.5 metres to 0 metres; and
to vary the interior side parcel line setback from 3.0 metres to 0 metres

E2021.025-DVP  210-290 Anna Avenue, Naramata To vary the maximum height of an accessory building or structure from 4.5 metres to 6.5 metres.
E2021.028-DVP 4575, Mill Road, Naramata  To waive the requirement for the installation of a street light.
E2021.035-DVP  136 Ritchie Ave, Naramata

To reduce the rear parcel line setback from 7.5 m to 3.0 m; and
To increase the maximum parcel coverage from 35% to 39.3%.

E2021.038-DVP 3480 Arawana Forestry Road  To vary the requirements for streetlight installation.
E2021.041-DVP 1115 Rounds Road To vary the interior side setback to 1.36 m and the rear setback to 1.5 m for an existing garage
E2021.043-DVP 3285 Lyons Road  To vary the maximum retaining wall heights and minimum setbacks for a replacement retaining wall.
E2021.045-DVP 4257 Mill Road To vary the interior side parcel line setback from 3.0 m to 1.5 m to build a garage.
E2021.054-DVP  750 Languedoc Road  To vary the maximum height of a retaining wall 
6851 Indian Rock Road

To reduce the minimum front parcel line setback from 7.5 m to 1.5 m; and 
To allow for the construction of a single detached dwelling. 

E2021.058-DVP  2865 Outlook Way  To increase the height of the retaining wall within a setback area from 1.2 metre to 3 metre
E2021.056-DVP 2526 Kettle Ridge Way  To reduce the front parcel line setback from 7.5m to 3.2m to construct an in ground pool.
E2022.002-DVP 710 Ritchie Ave  To allow a shower in an accessory building 
E2022.007-DVP 3990 Third Street To reduce the exterior side parcel line setback from 4.5 metres to 1.19 metres to construct a garage. 
E2022.009-DVP 6771 Indian Rock Road To reduce the minimum setback for a dock from 5.0 metres to 2.1 metres; and
To increase the maximum dock moorage platform width from 3.0 metres to 4.9 metres.
E2022.010-DVP 2573 Workman Place  To reduce the rear parcel line setback from 10.5 metres to 2.47 metres; and
To reduce the exterior side parcel line setback from 4.5 metres to 1.52 metres to allow for a deck. 
E2022.014-DVP 2830 Arawana Road To allow an over-height retaining wall (WITHDRAWN)
E2022.016-DVP 4855 Mill Road To reduce the rear setback from 4.5 metres to 2.91 metres 
E2022.020-DVP 815 Wiseman Place  To vary the front setback from 7.5 to 4.1 metres 
E2022.027-DVP 3180 3rd Street  To reduce the exterior side setback from 7.5 metres to 1.5 metres
E2022.033-DVP 850 Patterson Road To reduce the rear and interior side setbacks
E2022.037-DVP 3076 Juniper Drive To allow an overheight fence in the front and side setbacks
E2022.038-DVP 126 Slate Place To increase the maximum allowable height of a retaining wall. 
E2022.039-DVP 3076 Juniper Drive To vary the maximum height of a retaining wall from 2.0 metres to 4.41 metres
E2022.041-DVP 1305 Smethurst Road To reduce the front setback from 7.5 metres to 5.5 metres
E2022.042-DVP 2415 Kettle Ridge Way To increase the height for an accessory dwelling from 4.5 m to 8.41 m
E2022.045-DVP 4575 Mill Road To reduce the minimum front parcel line setback from 7.5 metres to 5.98 metres; and
To allow for the construction of a single detached dwelling.
E2022.053-DVP  2965 Gammon Road To reduce the front setback to accommodate a new farm storage building. 
E2022.058-DVP  4535 Mill Road To allow a holding tank as a method of on-site sewage disposal
E2022.059-DVP 4545 Mill Road To allow a holding tank as a method of on-site sewage disposal
E2023.011-DVP  815 Boothe Road To allow a deck addition to an accessory building 
E2023.012-DVP  5 - 4650 North Naramata Road  To reduce the minimum required width of a common wall attached to a principal building 
E2023.016-DVP  3990 3rd Street  To reduce the exterior side parcel line setback in order to construct a detached garage 
2864 Arawana Road  To allow a cannabis production facility with a non-soil (i.e., concrete) base 
E2023.024-DVP  7002 Indian Rock Road To vary the interior parcel line setback to allow an addition to the single detached dwelling 
E2023.031-DVP  1185 McPhee Road  To vary the front parcel line setback to allow a roof overhang addition 
E2023.032-DVP 4545 Mill Road To vary the front and rear parcel line setbacks to allow a new house. 
E2023.033-DVP 4535 Mill Road To vary the front and rear parcel line setbacks to allow a new house.
E2024.002-DVP  240 Benchlands Drive To increase the maximum height of a retaining wall (WITHDRAWN)
E2024.010-DVP  4545 Mill Road To vary the front and rear parcel line setbacks to allow a new house.
E2024.011-DVP  4535 Mill Road To vary the front and rear parcel line setbacks to allow a new house.
E2024.014-DVP   2543 Kettle Ridge Way  To reduce the interior side parcel line setback.
E2024.023-DVP  3325 3rd Street To vary the various parcel line setbacks that apply to the legal lots which comprise the subject property in order to facilitate the development of each lot to a single detached dwelling. 
E2024.016-DVP  6857 Indian Rock Road To allow an over-height fence and an over-height retaining wall.
E2024.017-DVP  3084 Juniper Drive To allow an over-height fence.

Completed Board of Variance (BoV) Applications

Project No.ProponentAddressSummary
E2021.002-BOV Naramata Centre Society  545 5th Street  To allow replacement washroom with reduced setback 
E2024.001-BOV  Norman Goddard 136 Ritchie Avenue To increase the maximum parcel coverage from 40% to 50.4%.

Completed Temporary Use Permits

Project No.AddressSummaryPermit Expiry
E2021.012-TUP  9540 Chute Lake Road To build a cabin with a kitchen July 8, 2024
E2021.022-TUP 3180 & 3260 McKay Road  Renewal of an existing vacation rental TUP October 31, 2024
E2021.024-TUP 1015 Hyde Road Renewal of an existing vacation rental TUP December 31, 2024
E2022.002-TUP 3059 Naramata Road To allow for a vacation rental use December 31, 2023
E2022.013-TUP 3305 McGibney Road  To permit the residential use of an RV  September 22, 2025
E2022.017-TUP 2589 Naramata Road  To allow for a vacation rental use  December 31, 2025
E2022.024-TUP  4245 Mill Road  To allow a renewal of existing vacation rental use December 31, 2025
E2022.026-TUP 1024 Old Main Road To renew an existing vacation rental use December 31, 2025
E2022.027-TUP   2401 Workman Place To renew an existing vacation rental use December 31, 2025
E2022.030-TUP 4383 Mill Road To renew an existing vacation rental use December 31, 2025
E2023.003-TUP  3189 3rd Street To reissue an existing permit for a vacation rental use  December 31, 2025
E2023.007-TUP  4090 4th Street  To allow for a vacation rental use December 31, 2023
E2023.010-TUP  2720 Workman Place  To allow a vacation rental use December 31, 2024
E2023.013-TUP    3940 3rd Street To allow a vacation rental use March 7, 2024
E2023.014-TUP  980 Tillar Road To allow a vacation rental use Denied
E2023.015-TUP  1135 McPhee Road To allow a vacation rental use December 31, 2023
E2023.019-TUP  3135 Bartlett Drive   To renew a permit allowing a vacation rental use   December 31, 2026 
E2023.029-TUP 6981 Chute Lake Road To allow residential use of four (4) recreational vehicles   
E2023.021-TUP 2844 Gammon Road To allow an accessory dwelling in the form of a recreational vehicle January 18, 2026
E2023.022-TUP   2710 Workman Place To allow a vacation rental use  Denied
E2023.034-TUP 3057 Naramata Road To renew an exisitng temporary use permit for a vacation rental use. December 31, 2026
E2023.035-TUP  2160 Naramata Road To allow a vacation rental use December 31, 2024
E2024.003-TUP  6447 Chute Lake Road To allow the residentail use of four (4) recreational vehicles and a washroom facilities building July 25, 2024
E2024.006-TUP  6851 Indian Rock Road To allow a vacation rental use December 31, 2025
E2024.007-TUP  4395 Mill Road To allow a vacation rental use Denied
E2024.010-TUP  4090 4th Street To allow a vacation rental use (renewal)  June 11, 2024