Electoral Area "D"

Current Rezoning Proposals


Project No.ProponentAddressPurpose
D2021.015-ZONE  Charlie Brooks  5356 8th Avenue  To facilitate the development of a four-storey apartment building, comprising of 48 units.
D2024.007-ZONE 1326117 BC LTD 5300 Hawthorne Crescent To facilitate the development of 18 townhouse units.

Current Development Variance Permit Applications

Project No.ProponentAddressPurpose
D2024.021-DVP Brad Elenko 1655 Maple Street To vary the minimum parcel size for subdivision to facilitate a 20-lot strata subdivision

Current Board of Variance Applications

Project No.ProponentAddressPurpose

Current Temporay Use Permit Applications

Project No.ProponentAddressSummary

Royal Canadian Leigon

5009 Veterans Way   To allow for a self-service beverage container recycling facility

Current Retail Cannabis Store Applications

Project No.ProponentAddressPurpose

Completed Rezoning Proposals

Project No.Zoning Bylaw No.OCP Bylaw No.AddressSummary
D2014.135-ZONE - 2603.02, 2019 N/A Hillside Development Permit Area Update
D2015.128-ZONE 2455.23, 2016 2603.07, 2016 District Lot 461, SDYD
(near Skaha Estates)
Rezone from LH to AG1 to allow 1-lot subdivision
D2016.002-ZONE 2455.24, 2016 2603.08, 2016 (various) Update of Commercial Zones
D2016.019-ZONE 2455.25, 2016 - 130 Apple Court, Heritage Hills Discharge of Land Use Contract
D2016.106-ZONE 2455.26 2603.08 1830 Alba Road, OK Falls Rezone from C7 to RS3 to allow a 66 lot subdivision (WITHDRAWN)
D2017.014-ZONE 2455.27, 2017 2603.10, 2017 170 Sunnybrook Drive Rezone from SH5s to RS1 to allow for a 3-lot subdivision.
D2017.062-ZONE 2455.28, 2017 - 2027 Carmi Avenue Allow a "kennel" as a permitted accessory use in SH1 Zone
D2017.090-ZONE 2455.29, 2017 - 4820 9th Avenue, OK Falls Rezone from C3 to RS3 to allow residential development.
D2017.148-ZONE 2455.31, 2017 - 2128 Beaverdell Road To facilitate a 3 lot subdivision
D2018.013-ZONE 2455.32, 2019 2603.18, 2019 781 Highway 97 To replace Land Use Contract No. LU-12-D-76 with an Small Holdings Four (SH4) Zone
D2018.028-ZONE 2455.33, 2018 - 102 Saliken Drive To allow for an accessory dwelling (i.e. "carriage house).
D2018.041-ZONE 2455.34, 2018 - 4844 & 4849 Bassett Avenue To allow for the development duplexes.
D2018.044-ZONE 2455.35, 2018 - 1752 Alba Road, OK Falls To allow a second kitchen in a principal dwelling unit.
D2018.052-ZONE 2455.36, 2018 - 737 Main Street, OK Falls To restore a duplex zoning to the subject property
D2018.066-ZONE 2455.37, 2018 2603.14, 2018 4850 Weyerhaeuser Road To allow for an approximately 50 site Recreational Vehicle (RV) Park. WITHDRAWN
D2019.001-ZONE 2455.40, 2019 2603.17, 2019 176 Chadwell Place, Heritage Hills To amend the zoning of the parcel to Parks & Recreation (PR). WITHDRAWN
D2019.006-ZONE 2455.41, 2019 2603.19, 2019 1612 Highway 97 To formalise existing service commercial business
D2020.015-ZONE 2455.43, 2020 - 5081 8th Avenue, OK Falls To allow for 30 unit multi-family residential building
D2020.016-ZONE  2455.44, 2021 - 1655 Maple Street, Okanagan Falls To rezong from I2 to General Industrial Site Specific (I1s), with the site specific regulation permitting "agriculture" / "greenhouse" as a principal use.
D2021.001-ZONE  2455.45, 2021 - 850 Railway Lane To convert existing commercial space to 5 residential units.
D2021.016-ZONE 2455.47, 2021 2603.21, 2021 4899 Eastside Road  To amend the zoning to allow for a donation of land to a conservation organization. 
D2021.019-ZONE  2455.49  2603.22 1830 Alba Road To permit mini storage and outdoor storage on the property (WITHDRAWN).
D2021.021-ZONE  2800.08, 2022 - 501 Eastside Road  To permit a single family dwelling
D2023.010-ZONE 2800.30, 2023 2603.24, 2023 1631 Maple Street To facilitate a subdivision

Completed Temporary Use Permits

Project No.AddressSummaryPermit Expiry
D2021.004-TUP  2183 Carmi Road  Short-term tourist rental use of 3 cabins in B&B operation  January 31, 2024
D2022.015-TUP 3136 Vaseux Lake Crescent  To allow for a "vacation rental" use December 31, 2023
D2022.016-TUP 2155 Carmi Road To renew the existing vacation rental in an accessory building  December 31, 2025
D2022.020-TUP  2238 Sun Valley Way  To allow for a "vacation rental" use  December 31, 2023 
D2023.005-TUP  946 Main Street  To allow a "storage and warehouse" use  April 6, 2026
D2023.006-TUP  413 Hody Drive  To allow for a vacation rental use  (DENIED)
D2023.008-TUP  4633 Peach Crescent  To allow for a vacation rental use  December 31, 2023
D2023.012-TUP  5032 Seventh Avenue To allow five (5) RV stalls   July 6, 2026
D2023.027-TUP 3136 Vaseux Lake Crescent Renewal of an existing vacation rental TUP  
D2023.033-TUP  2183 Carmi Road Reissuance of an existing permit for a tourist accomodation use comprising three tourist cabins January 18,2027
D2024.001-TUP  2041 Carmi Road To allow an accessory building greater than 10m2 without a principal use on the property August 15, 2027
D2024.002-TUP  4633 Peach Crescent Renewal of an existing permit for a vacation rental use December 31, 2026 

Completed Development Variance Permit (DVP) Applications

Project No.AddressSummary
D2021.015-DVP 1205 Maple Street  To vary the minimum front parcel line setback from 7.5 metres to 2.25 metres to formalize an accessory dwelling
D2021.017-DVP  5204 9th Avenue  To vary the parcel line (adjacent to Hwy 97) setback from 4.5 m to 0.0 m;
To vary required vehicle parking spaces from 1.75 per dwelling unit to 1 per dwelling unit; and
To allow back lane to be used as a turn-around space
D2021.030-DVP  425 Matheson Road To vary the minimum front strata lot line setback from 4.5 m to 0.0 m 
D2021.032-DVP 420 Panorama Crescent  To vary the front parcel line setback 7.5 m to 0.0 m to the outermost projection in order to construct a garage.
D2021.034-DVP  136 Chadwell Place  To vary the front parcel line setback 7.5 m to 3.9 m to construct a single detached dwelling.
D2021.040-DVP 3500 Highway 97  To replace existing sign with oversized sign for Ramification Cellars.
D2021.047-DVP 4705 Mimac Court  To vary the front parcel line setback from 7.5 metres to 6.45 metres to allow for a dwelling addition.
D2021.050-DVP 1133 Ash Street  To construct a detached garage within the rear and interior side setbacks.
D2021.051-DVP 4629 Peach Cres  To reduce the minimum interior side parcel line setback from 1.5 metres to 0.24 metres.
D2021.053-DVP 5133 Seventh Avenue To waive the requirement to extend a sewer main as a condition of subdivision.
D2021.061-DVP 128 Kent Place  To reduce the front parcel line setback from 7.5 m to 3.75 m.
D2022.005-DVP 5013 11th Avenue

To reduce the minimum interior side parcel line setback from 4.5 metres to 2.0 metres;
To reduce the rear parcel line setback from 7.5 metres to 6.0 metres; and
To increase the maximum allowed parcel coverage from 40% to 58%.

D2022.008-DVP 3010 Carmi Road  To allow a deck on an accessory building.
D2022.011-DVP 449 Hody Drive  To reduce the front and rear setbacks for a principle dwelling.
D2022.025-DVP 420 Panorama Crescent  To reduce front parcel line setback 7.5 m to 0.0 m in order to construct a garage.
D2022.056-DVP   188 Eastside Road   To increase the maximum height of an accessory building to facilitate a new garage. 
D2023.001-DVP  960 Cedar St  To reduce the setback from the parcel line adjacent to Highway 97 in order to construct 32 townhouse units.  
D2023.003-DVP 2735 Green Lake Road To allow agri-tourism accommodation sleeping units to be constructed in separate buildings 
D2023.013-DVP  Phipps & Brooks To reduce the interior side setback (CLOSED AS INCOMPLETE)
D2023.015-DVP 577 Hody Drive To reduce the rear setback for a principal dwelling to facilitate a subdivision.
D2023.018-DVP  449 Hody Drive To vary the front and rear parcel line setbacks to accomodate a new single detached dwelling 
D2023.040-DVP  2131 Beaverdell Road  To allow a deck addition to an accessory building
D2024.003-DVP  1137 Maple Street Application withdrawn
D2023.041-DVP 162 Saliken Dirve Application Denied



Completed Retail Cannabis Store Applications

Project No.ProponentAddressSummary
ERBN Green Cannabis 936-946 Main Street, Okanagan Falls  Non-medical cannabis retail store licence 
D2022.013-LCRB Esha Randhawa  #5–5350 Highway 97  To relocate a non-medical cannabis retail store license

Completed Board of Variance (BoV) Applications

Project No.ProponentAddressSummary
D2022.001-BOV Hubbard. Matt & Parker, Sharon 928 Main Street To undertake alterations to a legally non-conforming structure