Mark Pendergraft

Mark Pendergraft is a third generation Osoyoos resident who was born in the Oliver hospital. His family first came to Osoyoos in the mid 1930's. Mark graduated from South Okanagan Secondary School in 1980 and worked on the family ranch for a number of years before starting a ranch of his own. He and his wife Lori have two sons; Tyson and Corey who both live in the Okanagan area. Mark has always been community minded coaching minor hockey, soccer and baseball for over 25 years. He has spent several years on the Minor Hockey Board and was Minor Hockey President before deciding to run for Area Director in 2005. Mark has had a varied working career in logging, construction and guide outfitting. Prior to being elected as Area A Director, Mark worked with the local School District as an Education Assistant. Mark is also an active Fire Warden with the Ministry of Forests and leads a crew of Wildland Firefighters.